ADA-1040PC2 address converter of device with MODBUS-RTU / JBUS protocol, is the converter solves a problem of connection
devices having fixed address (SLAVE address) to multipoint RS485 bus, to which connected devices have colliding addresses with
the address of the device.
The address changing is made by setting the address on the BUS port in ADA-1040PC2 and setting device
address with colliding address on the DEV (RS232) port of the converter. Simultaneously, the converter can convert baud rate and
format of transmitted data. Depending on configurations, can be set baud rate, data bits, parity, number of stop bits. The setting can
be different for DEV and BUS ports.
The convert allows connect RS232 devices to RS485 bus without any collisions. Additionally,
ADA-1040PC2 separates devices connected to RS485 bus. Galvanic isolation of ADA-1040PC2, protect the system structured on
RS422/485 bus and increases its reliability.
ADA-1040PC2 supports the asynchronous baud rate up to 230.4 kbps through four or two pairs of twisted-pair cables connected to
screw terminals. The converter use RX+, RX-, TX+/A, TX-/B lines for functioning. It is possible to connect 32 devises to RS485/RS422
network constructed on base of ADA-1040PC2, working at the half duplex or full duplex mode. Over-voltage protection on each
RS485/RS422 line was made on base of 600W over-voltage led and fuses.