USB to RS-485 / RS-422 Converter

USB to RS-485 / RS-422  Converter* The prices are given in the response to the offer.
  • Conversion of USB to RS485/422 standard,
  • Compatibility with USB1.1 and USB 2.0 standard,
  • Virtual Serial Port,
  • Supported data format: number of data bits 7 or 8; parity check: none, even, odd, marker, space; number of stop bits: 1 or 2.
  • Transmitted signals: RX, TX, additionally RTS, CTS or DTR, DSR (version 2-x) configure by SW2 microswitch,
  • STANDARD Baud rates (bps): 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600,
  • Mapped baud rates for PROFIBUS (bps): 300 bps, 600 bps, 1200 bps, 2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps,19200 bps, 93750(230400)bps, 187500(460800) bps, 500000(921600) bps, 1500000(14400) bps.
  • Possibilities of mapping other baud rates,
  • Transparent for all protocols: MODBUS, DNP, PROFIBUS and other,
  • Operating on RS485/RS422 2-wire (2W) bus and 4-wire (4W)
  • Implemented Line Termination 120ohm of RS485/RS422 bus, activated by SW1 microswitch,
  • Polarization of RS485 / RS422 bus - MASTER or SLAVE type; selected by SW1 microswitch,
  • Power supply from the USB port,
  • 2,7kV= optoisolation in signal channel between USB and RS485/422 interface,
  • 1kV= or 3kV= (dependent on version) galvanic isolation in power supply channel between USB and RS485/RS422,
  • RS-485/RS-422 interface connection via screw terminal block (section 1mm2),
  • USB interface connection via USB-AA cable,
  • Casing dimensions (W x D x H) 91mm x 21mm x 57mm,