ADA-4040A addressable baud rate converter is device solving the problem of connecting no addressable devices
equipped with the RS-422 or RS-485 interface to multipoint RS485 bus by adding the address to device connected
to RS2 port of converter. Converter enables to connect RS-422 devices to R-S485 bus without any interference.
You can adjust baud rate, number of bits, parity control or non parity or stop bits depending on the
configuration – for RS1 and RS2 ports configuration can be different. ADA-4040A additionally separate devices
from RS-485 network and can be used as repeater of RS422/RS485 bus with speed conversion between next segments
about the length up to 1200m. Galvanic separation of the converter protects system constructed on RS-485/RS-422
network and increase functioning reliability.
ADA-4040A supports the asynchronous baud rate up to 230.4 kbps through four or two pairs of twisted-pair
cables connected to screw terminals. The Converter use RX+, RX-, TX+/A, TX-/B lines for functioning. It is
possible to connect 32 devises to RS485/RS422 network constructed on base of ADA-4040A, working at the half
duplex or full duplex mode. Over-voltage protection on each RS485/RS422 line was made on base of 600W over-voltage
led and fuses.