KDU-110-SPS to MODBUS-RTU Protocol Converter

KDU-110-SPS to MODBUS-RTU Protocol Converter* The prices are given in the response to the offer.
Protocol converter KDU-110-SPS to MODBUS-RTU ADA-4040PC9 is a device, which allow connecting Kyma* KDU-110 Shaft Power Meter (SPS) devices, equipped with RS485 interface to multipoint RS-485 bus, to which are connected devices communicate by MODBUS- RTU protocol. Simultaneously, the converter convert RS485 to RS485/422 standards, with setting of data format. Depending on configurations, can be set baud rate, data bits, parity, number of stop bits. The setting can be different for (KDU)RS485 i (RTU)RS485/RS422 ports.
The converter support the asynchronous transmission data with baud rate 230,4 kbps. through one or two pairs of twisted-pair cables of RS485/RS422 interface.
ADA-4040PC9 has screw terminal blocks for connection of RS485 interface KDU-110-SPS device, MODBUS RS485/422 bus and power supply. ADA-4040PC9 use Tx, Rx for communication with RS485 interface.
Overvoltage protection was made on base safety diodes and fuses on each RS485/RS422 lines.
*) - Names of companies and logotypes have been used only for informational purposes.