Protocol converter SunMaster to MODBUS-RTU ADA-1040PC3 is a device solves a problem ofconnection Inverters of
MASTERVOLT* company, equipped with Soladin interface and communicate by SunMaster protocol to multipoint RS-485 bus with devices communicate by MODBUS-ASCII protocol.
Simultaneously, the converter convert RS232 to RS485/422 standards, with setting of data format. Depending on configurations, can
be set baud rate, data bits, parity, number of stop bits. The setting can be different for RS232 and RS485/RS422 port.
The converter does not require power supply from RS232 port and support the asynchronous transmission data with baud rate 230,4
ADA-1040PC3 has DB-9F connector for connecting PC-Link RS232 interface to Soladin and screw terminal block for connection of
RS485/422 network and power supply. The DB-9F connector is DCE type to connecting RS232 interface. ADA-1040PC3 use Tx, Rx
and GND for communication with RS232 interface.
Overvoltage protection was made on base safety diodes and fuses on each RS485/RS422 lines.
* - Names of companies and logotypes have been used only for informational purposes.