Fibre Optic converter ADA-7021 is a device used to connect devices with Current Loop interface without interfering with the data
format. The use of fibre-optic provides complete isolation between connected devices and resistance to interference on the
transmission bus. The fibre connection is implemented by a line consisting of two fibres - one fiber for the TX signal and one for RX
signal. Using two this type converters, can be use for communication with devices quite distant from each other eg. controllers, scales
ADA-7021 is equipped with screw terminal block for Current Loop and power supply connections. To Current Loop bus built on the
ADA-7021 can be connected 2 devices operating in half duplex mode or full duplex mode in point-to-point topology.
Overvoltage protection was made on base safety diodes and fuses on each Current Loop lines.
This converter has internal, low energy surge protection for each Current Loop lines however it is recommended to use the external
lightning arresters (typical protection of telephone line) for the lightning protection of lines.