ADA-13110 converter is use for data transmission between devices equip with RS232 interface via LAN/WAN network. Data
transmission takes place without the interference of data format. Operating in ETHERNET network can be in Virtual Serial Port, TCP
serial bridge, UDP serial bridge, TCP sockets, UDP sockets. Converter can use protocols: TCP, UDP, DHCP, SNMP, SSL/TLS,
Can be configured and managed via Internet browser – converter has implemented WWW server. ADA-13110 has standard DB-9M (male) RS232 connector, screw terminal block for connecting the power
supply and RJ45 modular connector for ETHERNET network connection.
The converter transmits data via RS232 interface with maximum baud rate up to 230,4 kbps and uses signals Rx, Tx, RTS, CTS, DTR,
DSR, DCD of RS232 interface.
To RS232 port of ADA-13110 can be connected to telephone exchanges, barcode scanners, modems, weight, magnetic card
readers. It is adapted for powering from the regular voltage external source which value should contain from 10V to 30V and was
provided from the power pack about 3W power. Converter has implemented protection against opposite polarization of power supply
and over-voltage protection ESD 15kV on RS232 interface lines.
We provide with converter the drivers which installed in the operating systems, will create an additional COM port. This port is the next
free number eg COM3, can be used like a standard COM port. However, it is not the real port existing in a computer, but only a virtual,
created by the system, therefore some programs running under DOS and links to this COM port may not function properly.