RS-485 / RS-422 HUB

RS-485 / RS-422 HUB* The prices are given in the response to the offer.

ADA-4044H HUB is used for creation star-branches from the main bus and also separation and extending of RS485/RS422 bus for next segment 1200m without interfering with the format of transmitted data. The HUB has one input RS485 port (RS485-IN) for connection of main bus and 4 separated output ports for connection of 2-wire bus or 2 ports for connection of 4-wire-bus of RS485/422. It is possible to connect to the each output ports up to 64 devices on 4-wire RS485 bus or 128 devices on 2-wire RS485 bus or 2 addressable devices with RS422 interface. The setting of port type is by "RS-485 PORTS" switch on the front panel.
ADA-4044H can be used also for communication with devices in star topology located in different places where RS485 chain topology is impassible.
Baud rate is up to 230,4 kbps via 4 or 2 pairs or twisted pair connected to screw terminal block with devices as: PLC, measuring devices, electronic scale and cash registers. Surge protection on each RS485/RS422 line was made on the basis of surge diodes and fuses.

Example of connection HUB ADA-4044H